Cameron turned two last month and I can't believe it. He two year appointment went fine. They said he was 34 1/2" tall (but when we went back a week later they said he was only 32 1/2", someone messed up so we are going with 33 1/2 inches) and weighed 27 lbs. 14 oz. She said he looked perfect. Then a week and a half later we were back at the doctors office with him coughing and wheezing. The doctor diagnosed him with asthma and said he has allergies. So he did his breathing treatments until he stopped wheezing for a couple of days and he has been on Zyrtec ever since. He seems to be doing well with the Zyrtec, thankfully.
I love my son dearly and I can't believe he is two, but he does his best to remind me most days. He has started having temper tantrums and throwing himself down on the floor. I just hope that he doesn't do this at school. He is also getting to the point where he wants to try and do everything himself, which is great that he wants to try, but there are still things that he can't do on his own. On the flip side there are now things he refuses to do on his own, like watch a movie or tv. He wants me to sit beside him while he watches and if I don't he will come and find me. I love that he wants me near him, I just wish I could get a couple of things done while he is being entertained. He has a new favorite movie as of last week, the Cars movie. He really only likes watching the race at the beginning. After he sees Lightning McQueen bounce off the other cars tires he gets up and finds his Lightning McQueen and starts bouncing him off the other cars.
He started preschool on Sept. 8th and has been enjoying it, I think. Today was actually the first day that he went in without crying. Last week he was crying when we walked in the door to the school, he calmed down when we were out of sight though. And today we walked in and he looked a little unsure, but went right to his teacher without crying. She said he got a little teared eyed and asked for me during the day, but she told him I would be back in a little while and he was fine. Ms. Kim, his teacher, says he actively participates in everything and of course that he loves going outside.