Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cameron at 5 Months Old

Cameron is 5 months old, I can't believe it. It doesn't seem like yesterday that I had him, but it doesn't seem like 5 months or anything. He is doing very well. He seems to be developing just fine.
He finally rolled from his back to his stomach this past Wed. He's been rolling from his stomach to his back for 2 months. He is sitting up (when we put him in a sitting position) very well, when he is supported, if we don't hold him back he goes straight on his stomach. I think he is figuring out that he can move around when he is on his stomach so he likes being on his stomach a lot more now. He figured out tonight that he can roll over from back to stomach and stomach to back and actually get somewhere. I am really going to have to watch him now and be extra careful about where I put him down at. As you can see from the previous post that we started him on rice cereal. He has been watching every bite or sip we take like a hawk. He is so funny, he really doesn't miss anything. Yesterday I was holding him and he saw our shadow on the wall so I made a shadow puppet and was making it eat us and he automatically turned around to see where it was coming from.

The other night when he put him on the scale he was 19.2 lbs, but that was with a really full tummy. Last night he was 17.6 lbs, so it really varies day by day, but we are going with between 17 and 19 lbs., which it big for a just now 5 month old. We will see what the doctor says next month, when he goes to get shots again.

He has found his voice over the past week or so too. He has been squealing really loudly and he has been making new sounds, like ga and other sounds, when you talk back to him, he watches your mouth very intently. It's so cute.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute! and I love the outfit (he he)

Melissa said...

Cameron is turning into quite the little man!! You are an awesome Mother, Heather...he's obviously a happy baby and HEALTHY too :) Don't you love it??