Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cameron at 5 Months Old

Cameron is 5 months old, I can't believe it. It doesn't seem like yesterday that I had him, but it doesn't seem like 5 months or anything. He is doing very well. He seems to be developing just fine.
He finally rolled from his back to his stomach this past Wed. He's been rolling from his stomach to his back for 2 months. He is sitting up (when we put him in a sitting position) very well, when he is supported, if we don't hold him back he goes straight on his stomach. I think he is figuring out that he can move around when he is on his stomach so he likes being on his stomach a lot more now. He figured out tonight that he can roll over from back to stomach and stomach to back and actually get somewhere. I am really going to have to watch him now and be extra careful about where I put him down at. As you can see from the previous post that we started him on rice cereal. He has been watching every bite or sip we take like a hawk. He is so funny, he really doesn't miss anything. Yesterday I was holding him and he saw our shadow on the wall so I made a shadow puppet and was making it eat us and he automatically turned around to see where it was coming from.

The other night when he put him on the scale he was 19.2 lbs, but that was with a really full tummy. Last night he was 17.6 lbs, so it really varies day by day, but we are going with between 17 and 19 lbs., which it big for a just now 5 month old. We will see what the doctor says next month, when he goes to get shots again.

He has found his voice over the past week or so too. He has been squealing really loudly and he has been making new sounds, like ga and other sounds, when you talk back to him, he watches your mouth very intently. It's so cute.

Cameron's First Meal

So we figured since he has been watching everything that we put in our mouths that now was probably a good time to start him on some rice cereal. It was 80% milk and 20% cereal, but he still enjoyed it.

He was waiting patiently, but getting hungry, so he figured his bib would hold him over for a minute or two.

When I first put the bowl down and started to feed him of course he wanted to help. He started moving his arms all around and I put the bowl too close to him and he knocked it over, spilling most of what was in his bowl, but we continued. I'm sure that is just going to be the first of many times that he will do that.

He enjoyed eating, but of course I wasn't getting it in his mouth quick enough. He was getting mad between spoonfuls.

He was a natural at eating from a spoon.

All and all I think it was a success, we will see how he does tomorrow night, when he gets to eat the all of what I make for him, instead of spilling it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Check out the chunks

We gave him a bath the other night in this little tub and realized how chunky he really has gotten. I never really see it until I take a picture, My mom says that he has more rolls then I did and that's saying something.

He's Getting so big

I have had to move his exersaucer up a notch because his legs were dragging. I can't believe how much he has grown in the last almost 5 months. It is amazing to me how much he has grown and then I think about how much more growing he will do and that scares me even more. All of the things to come, eating, crawling, cruising, walking, running, talking and so much more. All of the adventure to come.

He has been playing in his johnny jump up. He hasn't figured out that he can jump yet, but he does spin around on one foot. He's happy so far in it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

His 1st Sick Visit

On the 30Th Cameron's eye was crusty when he woke up in the morning and so I decided to call the doctor and see what they recommended. He also had a stuffy nose and a slight dry cough, but I had read that there wasn't a whole lot that can be done about a cold, so I didn't think much of it. They said they wanted to see him and look at his eye to make sure it was okay, so I made his first sick baby appointment. When he woke up really late the next morning it was kind of a rush to get out of the door. So I feed him real quick and Jason put him in his car seat, I heard Jason saw Cameron and I came around the corner just in time to see his projectile spit up all over himself, his car seat and the floor. Of course I had to call and reschedule, so I feed him some more since he lost all of what he had eaten before. Then we made it to the doctor's office.

She checked him out and heard him wheezing when he breathed, something I was just starting to hear myself. She wanted to check him for RSV and give him a
nebulizer treatment while we waited for the results of the test and to see if it helped his breathing. Well he had RSV, so we got sent home with an antibiotic for his eye and a nebulizer of our very own. He didn't seem to mind taking the treatments at first, but since I have to give it to him every 4 hours, except at night, he quickly grew tired of it.

He is still taking the treatments every four hours while he's awake and he's getting slightly more used to them. He's doing much better, his nose isn't that stuffed up anymore and he isn't coughing nearly as much, but his chest still sounds
rattly. She said to give it to the end of this week and if there's still no improvement then to bring him back in. That's the bad thing about RSV, it can last up to 3 weeks, with the worst of it lasting up to 7 days.

Hopefully he will be better by Friday. The great thing has been that he has been all smiles throughout everything. I love seeing that smile.

Cameron's Pearly Whites

On December 18th Cameron was biting on my hands as he had been for at least a week, drooling all over the place and then I felt this sharp little thing against my finger. his first tooth was almost all the way through his gum. There had been no obvious sign that he was in deed getting teeth, just the drooling, which I understood could go on for months before his teeth came. By Friday it was all the way through his gum. Of course I kept putting my fingers in his mouth to see if there was anymore progress getting up from the gum and on the following Monday there was another little tooth coming through right next to the other little white tooth. I couldn't believe it he had his two front teeth for Christmas.

Cameron's First Christmas

Cameron's first Christmas was stretched over several days. First was the weekend before Christmas when we celebrated with my Grandparents, Aunt and cousin in North Carolina. He got a little ball with beads that roll around inside that he is constantly trying to eat.

Then there was Christmas Eve at Grandma Lunsford's. He seemed to enjoy it. He got sized next to his second cousin, Karlee. Everyone kept saying that he was so big compared to her. He looks so much bigger than she looks but there really isn't a big difference between the two of them.

Then, of course, there was Christmas. We woke up and went straight to Pop's house. He got to spend the morning with his Grandpa.

We eventually made it back home to open our presents there. Jason helped Cameron open his stocking and some of his presents.

Then I helped him open the rest of his presents. He seemed to enjoy it, he really didn't start playing with any of them except his exersaucer. He has been enjoying that for a while before Christmas, we cheated and gave it to him early.