Friday, October 30, 2009

August 2009 Favorite Pictures

He was frustrated, can you tell??

He looks so deep in thought, I wonder what he's thinking.

We were at Grandma's for dinner and afterwards we gave him a bath. We got him out of the tub and Mom and I were talking in the kitchen, we thought he was in the living room, but he slipped into the bathroom and climbed, without incident, into the bathtub. Apparently he wasn't done playing with the frogs.

Cameron's 1st Birthday

Cameron turned 1 on August 24th. He enjoyed his party. He did very well at his party, except he didn't like people singing to him he was reaching for me the while everyone was singing. He didn't dive into his cake like I thought he would he really didn't want to touch his piece of cake.

He did get some cake after some encouragement.

He enjoyed his presents, but of course got wrapped up in a couple of presents and didn't pay much attention to the others.
He has since enjoyed all of his presents especially his books. He spends all morning bringing me books to read and look at with him.